
The REST API provides a number of resources to manage assets, create marketplaces, consume to check the status of your account, update topics and send messages for generate timestamp consensus.

Postman Documentation

If you live and die by your love of Postman for API development, we provide a collection with examples that you can start using now. You'll need to create a new environment with fields for domain and api_key.

Run in Postman

The Routes

In all routes swap out the hedera-serverless-consensus.vercel.app for your URL.

Build a token marketplace

A permissioned marketplace at your fingertips, link your users to tokens that you sell, without them having to touch or have any blockchain experience.

Create a token

A token can be created to be linked to a frontend of a marketplace or online shopfront.

Create a token

Create an account for a user

Every user is required to have an account in tokens to be sent.


Bequest a token to a user

Transfer a token that has been purchased to a user, the bequest feature manages all token associations by default so all you need to do is use this endpoint when ready, like verifying a payment.

Bequesting a token

Confirm your deployment

Deployment Status

Want to check the status of your client use /api/status remember to update HIDE_STATUS in your environment to FALSE if you want to hide this behaviour.


Account Balance

Fetch the current account balance connected to the deployment, useful for checking that the configuration of the deployed service is valid.


Manage topics and timestamped messages

Topics and messages allow you to add "trusted" proof that an event has happened.

Managing Topics

Create, update and get the info for a topic that you use to send your consensus messages to.


Sending Consensus Messages

Send a message to that you wish to get a trusted consensus timestamp for, you may provide an option for whether the message should be asynchronous or wait for finality to be reached.

Consensus Messages

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